Internet and Social Media Marketing

We are now fully immersed in the digital and social media era. The online arena offers an increasing array of opportunities that must be central to all effective communication plans, no matter the industry.
It is vital to create a strategic digital and social media strategy as an integral component of all communication plans. If this is absent, potential audiences will be missed or communicated with in the wrong way, leading to wasted investment and minimum impact.

C. Moore Media has the expertise to create and execute smart, strategic and engaging online and social media marketing campaigns.

We can create compelling video and audio campaigns, engaging our clients’ audiences through a unique blend of traditional, online and social media. Access to the media syndication network also allows us to deliver multimedia content to TV, radio and newspaper websites.

C. Moore Media’s services include: Media and Blogger Relations (Social Pro), Webcasting, Podcasting, Satellite Media Tours, The Daily Buzz and Teen Kids News (exclusive), Radio Media Tours, Radio News Releases, Public Service Announcements, Internet Promotional Campaign (INR), Digital Media Services and Online Newsrooms.